all me…
I was born on March 20, 1975 in Warsaw. Early morning.
I grew up in Warsaw’s Jelonki – a block of flats bordering on cabbage fields on the outskirts of Warsaw.
In the first half of the 90s I co-create and then develop and lead the Red Point music band. We tour a lot and in the mid-90s we record the material “Phenol’s glass eyes, or Warsaw demands access to the sea”. The recordings were made in the then cult studio Złota Skała (Gold Rock) by Robert Brylewski, who lent his voice in two songs on the album.
In the second half of the 90s, Red Point suspends its operations after unsuccessful talks with Izabelin Studio and SP Records.
Me – Yossarian has been involved in non-music work from that moment until 2019. But I still play guitars, transverse flute, clarinet and other instruments. I compose and produce music.
During this time, music is created for:
SuperExpres TV Ad, SuperExpres Radio Ad, Danone Actimel TV Ad, Colgate TV Ad, Palmolive TV Ad,
promotional films and fashion shows
NATASHA PAVLUCHENKO “TRISTEZZA” – Alta Roma, La Blakk Opening Show, La Blakk „Black Swan”, “Wszystkie odcienie czerni” (‘All Shades of Black’) – book promotion, MIMA Bags 2012, MIMA Bags 2013, Luxury session for: Boucheron | Cartier | Roberto Coin | Chopard, Arcadius Mauritz Workshop Promo, Arcadius Mauritz Photograpy Promo, Dawid Mazerski Promo
film school etudes and short films
“Zapach” (‘Scent’),” Kakadu” (‘Cockatoo’), “Dziewczyny” (‘Girls’), “Śmierć Majora Rothausena” (‘Major Rothausen’s Death’), Beyond Life, Primadonna
“Paryż-Warszawa” (‘Paris-Warsaw’), “Korespondent Bryan” (‘Correspondent Bryan’),” Zawód Aktor” (‘Occupation Actor’), “Mennica” (‘Mint’)
I am also establishing musical cooperation with: Izabela Olejnik, Iga Krefft (Ofelia Daniels) (zaraz coś się stanie / pokoje hotelowe), Marika – Marta Kosakowska (Lara Grace (Milan), Antonio Matonti (Milan)
and publish LPs